Types of 33 Pools
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Types of 33 Football Pools

Standard Method: 32 people put in $5 for 17 weeks. The weekly pool starts at $160 Week 1, and rolls over if no one wins. In Week 1 of 2015, 2 teams hit 33, meaning the two participants split the $160. If no one has won, the Wekk 2 pool would be $320.

The $5 weekly buy-in is just a suggestion. You can make it as high or as low as you want. Hint: Make sure you collect everyone's money upfront. Trust us.

Slater Method: Same as standard method, but you can add one or two "kickers" (no, not the person who kicks the ball). Kicker #1: A 33 Victim's Pool. You pay a small amount to the owner of the team(s) who lost to the team(s) who scored 33 points. Kicker #2: A Biggest Loser Pool. The owner of the team who had the biggest margin of loss gets a consolation prize.

For example, using 2015 Week 1, two participants would split $250, two participants would split $38 (33 Victim), and one person got $25 (Biggest Loser).

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